Gott, du kannst ein Arsch sein

André Erkau, 2020o


Based on a true story. 16-year old Steffi just graduated from high school and is very much looking forward to her class trip to Paris where she has promised her boyfriend Fabian the romantic night that she has kept him waiting for since they started dating. Her lifelong plan to join the police forces is already set up which means her adult life is right around the corner. At a routine health check-up, just before the trip to Paris, Steffi and her parents are faced with a shattering diagnosis: Incurable cancer with a life expectancy of less than a year. While her mother Eva immediately tries to helplessly protect Steffi from everything, let alone a school trip to Paris and her father Frank, a protestant priest, questions everything he ever believed in, but Steffi is determined to shake off her doomed destiny.

Galerie photoso

Données du filmo

Autres titres
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94 Min.
Langue originale
ØVotre évaluation5,7/10
5,7 (592)
< 10 votes
Critiques :
< 3 votes

Casting & Equipe techniqueo

Sinje Irslinger
Max Hubacher
Heike Makatsch
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