Walzer auf der Petschora

Lana Gogoberidze, Géorgie, 1992o


Set in 1937 Stalinist Georgia, the film traces the parallel destinies of a mother, condemned by the government as "an enemy of the people" and exiled to a work camp in Siberia, and her daughter, who meanwhile is sent to an orphanage. Arriving at the overcrowded work camp, the mother and other women who are not considered strong enough to be labourers, must journey still farther, crossing the icy Siberian landscape in search of food and shelter. At the same time, the daughter escapes the orphanage and returns to her former home, where she finds that a KGB officer has taken up residence. He protects her and an uneasy rapport between them develops—one of abhorrence and attraction, need and suspicion.

Galerie photoso

Données du filmo

Titre original
Valsi Pechoraze
Autres titres
The Waltz on the Petschora EN
102 Min.
Langues originales
Géorgien, Russe
ØVotre évaluation6,9/10
6,9 (22)
< 10 votes
Critiques :
< 3 votes

Casting & Equipe techniqueo

Guram Pirtskhalava
Nino SurguladzeAnna
Marika Chichinadze
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